At Fluff Fest, I had the opportunity to talk to Rory, singer of Soul Control. I got to know him as a very nice and outspoken guy. Within this interview he made a few statements that reminded me of those things that got me into Hardcore / Punk. This band is something special, with a unique sound that takes you back to the 90s with the spirit and attitude that I realy admire.
UtopiaNowZine: The tape is rolling. How do you like the tour and where have you been so far?
Rory Soul Control: Well it's quite good. The first day was the lintfabrik in belgium, and yesterday we played Groezrock in Belgium as well. Now we’re here.
UtopiaNowZine: Do you play the whole European tour with Ritual?
Rory Soul Control: Yeah, the whole tour. I think we never played before togehter. I'm not quite sure, because you now at these festivals, there are so many bands. Half the time, I'm doing Merch. So I kind of miss out many bands. Unless I make an appointment like: I want to see this band!
UtopiaNowZine: Have you ever been at the fluff fest before?
Rory Soul Control: Never, but it's really awesome!
UtopiaNowZine: Is it a well know festival in the US or does hardly anyone speak about it?
Rory Soul Control: I think among bands it's very well known. I don't know about the people in the US knowing, but people who are in touring bands know it. And they love it! And it's a great pleasure to play.
UtopiaNowZine: You just finished your new record – get out now-. In an Interview with the german fanzine OX, you said one year ago that the next record after Cycles would include some major changes. Those changes were well recieved in many record reviews. What is the main difference between Cicles and your new ep?
Rory Soul Control: Well, we as a band always evolve. We are not going to put ourselves in a box, you know. We are like whatever comes out of us we are gonna play and that's what we are exited about. I think whatever we do could be labeled hardcore or punk. But we are not really about that.
I think punk is an attitude, a mindset, not a style of music. Like fugazi was propably the most punk band ever, like in every way you could be. Like an indepth mentality. And that mindset that's punk.
UtopiaNowZine: I really enjoy your music, but don't you think that there are many people who might say there is the mosh part missing or the old school hardcore fingerpointing part. What about people’s expectations?
Rory Soul Control: Well, we definitely don't make it easy for the people. To like and get into our band. And that's ok, because we are doing something ... have you seen our band? We don't sound like any other band playing this festival.
So people tell us that we are „thinking man's hardcore band“ ...which is.. I mean that could be a good thing or a bad thing (laughter).
UtopiaNowZine: You played at „Burning Fight“ Fest, the book release show. I love the book because of the great bands that are featured. The mid 90's hardcore scene. So what do you think is the difference between those bands featured in this book and current bands? Do you think there is a major difference or is it just a different kind of music?
Rory Soul Control: I think there is a huge difference. I think a lot of that has to do with perspective and mentality of people. Because growing up in the mid nineties and going to Hardcore and Punk shows . You had different kind of bands playing togehter at the same time. You had Falling Forward and Mouthpiece playing the same show. Where now this online happens on Fests now. That doesn't happen at a normal show now.
Back then you found out about bands about going to hows. Now everyone can go to the internet and check out a band like... do i want to go to that show? Back then you had to go to a show to find out about other shows. You had to go to a recordstore to buy records to find out about records and other shows. You don't have that community anymore. If it was all current bands, with the same attitude and vibe, it would be amazing but .. we played some festivals and I never played a festival like that one. It was like a reunion. It was like not even like.. bands, all the people everyone was happy everyone was excited. There was something in the air it was electric. It was amazing!
UtopiaNowZine: I've got this feeling that many people miss these things, that you mentioned. The do-it-yourself attitude and the other ideas from this area. Like you said there are only a few people who do things this way.. with this attitude. I think that there is a need for people and bands with that attitude and i think there are new bands that try to bring back that spirit. That's a good thing.
Rory Soul Control: I couldn'say that this doesn't exist anymore. Because it does. But the people who appreciate it are less and the people who are doing it only give it to those who already dig it. And it's really easy to get caught up in what your friends are doing and what your friends like. That’s really hard! To carve your own path.
UtopiaNowZine: Your lyrics seem to me very personal and abstract. They seem to me more like poems. What are your influences? Daily life, spefific topics that you as a band want to express or books you read?
Rory Soul Control: I’m the kind of person that relates to lyrics that people write from their experiences.
And I like to try different kinds of lyrics all the time. I mean I'm in bands since I was fiftfeen. I find it most comfortbale for myself to write lyrics about things that I have experienced. Everything that I write about is something that happened in my life. If it's like a feeling of depression or like people in my life taking advantage of me, or me taking advantage of them. Simple things like that. Or to have broader scope, things like compassion and love.
UtopiaNowZine: Yeah, I think most of the lyrics in Hardcore and Punk are based on feeling alienated or depressed. Do you think that desperation and discontent is a driving force for art in general? Like it's the basis for musical expression or the basis to change some things in your life?
And will there ever be a positive song from Soul Control. Sorry..quite a few questions at one time.
Rory Soul Control: I think you can get positive messages out of depressing songs. I mean people can't be positive all the time.
And for me as a person...for me as a person to grow I have to fuck up. Do things wrong and to see that and be willing to see that I fucked up and move forward. I think that is a part of life. And i think that is a part of growing as a person.
A lot of those things like looking for a positive aspect of life, is great but at the same time... that won't always happen. You can't handle every aspect of life like.. this is gonna be positive, this is gonna be positive.. hmm have it always look positive. I mean maybe.. but i never lived that way. That doesn't work for me.
Read the full in depth interview in UtopiaNow Fanzine. Coming January 2012! Yeahh Really! pictures: Babak (Fluff2011), Ieper (Soul Control)
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